Spongebob abuse Patrick

That Night, I was sleeping when my dad threw a DVD box on my face and run aways. "MEH FACE!!!" I screamed then i look at the box titled Spongebob Lost Episode. I begin to watch it.
It was a normal day when Spongebos walk his way down town when he saw Patirck sitting on his chair. Spongenob thinks: "I should think of some prank to trick Patirck".So, he begin to get a hyper-realistic chainsaw and... saw Patrick chair in half..."


, I scream then keep watching.(But still... why is there blood in Patrick chair anyway?). Patrick was angry and Spongebod give Patrick krusty crab. but was a bomb all along. BOOOOOOOOOOM. Patrick was crying... And for all of the sudden , Spongbob kick Patrick and there is static for 4 minutes. So i grab some coca cola and when i was drinking, Spongebob with hyper-realistic bloody eyes jumpscare me. I spit my coca cola and it stained all over the tv screen and i also piss my pants. I then possed to destroy the DVD with the hammer.
At the end, i hurt my hands in the process. I will never watch my father DVD he gave me ever againn.
The End.